I want at least one pair of Sperry Top Siders for a comfortable summer shoe...the only question is which one? Well, I've narrowed it down to six different styles. Now it's your turn.
Vote for which style you think I should buy in my poll (to the right side of the page)
VOTE NOW! --------------------------------------------------------------->
I vote for #5. super cute!
I say either #1 or # 4.
Thanks for voting so quickly! Haha I wasn't even done the post yet! I'll count your votes or you can vote again in the poll on the right side of the page!
I want them all
I like #5. I think they would be very versatile!
I forgot to write that the poll is "currently not available"!
You know I love anchors BUT I love the pink and navy sailboat combo the most
I have the Bluefish mules and I adore them! They're tan with a hint of plaid on the sides - kinds like #5. Can't go wrong with any of those - they're all darlin!
I loev either the pink or the green with the madras!! Super cute!
Oh, I adore these!
I rather like the first pair!
Love the sailboats!
I enjoyed reading your blog today ....
I am making so many new friends in the blog world.
Hope you will stop by and sign up for my give away on Thurs
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