Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself...seeing as it's not even Christmas yet, but it's never too early to start making those New Years Resolutions is it? No sir, it is not. In fact, the sooner the better for people like me. Procrastinators. So, I am going to be fully equipt in 2009 (wow can you believe it?) with my newly purchased desktop calender/planner. Procrastinator's SOS is the perfect gift for yourself or someone you know who is always stressed out or getting things done late (hello last-minute Christmas shoppers!). Each page lets you see the whole week ahead of you. I find this a useful tool, especially when you realize how soon everything is happening! It also has a weekly page on things that will help you out for that time of year. For example, tips on budgeting in February when you might start shopping for spring, organizing tips in January, and even how to lose those holiday love-handles in January. All this is done in a practical and entertaining set up. Each week also has a "To Do (or Not) List", "Ultimate Reprieve", and "Timewaster & Cheap Thrill" because, let's face it, once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator. But that certainly doesn't mean you can be molded into one of those envy-worthy people that always have it together. And I forgot to mention one of the best parts: it's nautical themed!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day!

Snow Day = school cancelled, work cancelled, emailing professor essay because you can't hand it in, staying inside the entire day because the Canadian winter isn't anything to joke about...though it is pretty!

The view of my backyard

PLUS: Snow Day Necessities
1. Silly Cat

2. Warm Argyle Socks and comfy satin pjs

3. Some TV (Yes, it's Fresh Prince! And if you look closely, you can see my Christmas card from Miss Lisagh aka Grosgrain Garage in the middle on the top of the unit!)

4. A Nice Hot Cup of Joe!

Happy Snow Day from your favourite teen prep!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Preppy Pillows

A few weeks ago I decided to make a few new throw pillows for my daybed. OK. So I didn't actually decide per-say, since my fashion teacher takes marks on these things. But I did make one. And after a couple of trips to the fabric shops I had aquired a new piece of darling Amy Butler fabric (in pink and green, naturally), a coordinating piece in green cotton, two zippers, and some iron-on applique initial patches. But before I proceed, I must make a confession. Said Amy Butler fabric already resided in my fabric collection. In fact, a good amount of it. Enough to make a preppy little sumer dress. Enough to still be sitting there in it's pink and green goodness patiently waiting to be sewn into something fabulous. Which never happend, sadly. Because I didn't have the time. Then it was winter. Damned Canada. But, rest assured, I will make this dress. Oh yes I wil. But until then, I had to go buy more of this EXACT same fabric, because I don't want to risk not having enough for whe I eventually do make that dress. Makes sense, right? Of course it does. I have only made one pillow so far, but hopefully when school lets out for Christmas holidays in a week, I will have more than enough time.

Here is the completed preppy patchwork pillow:

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I have a post coming soon...I PROMISE...BAH school is so busy I feel like such a bad person.

Friday, November 21, 2008

And While We're On The Topic...

Yes, Monday is my birthday! How kind of you to remember! What's that? What do I want? Well, besides world peace...hmmm how about...well I'm undecided, actually. But I'm going shopping in the US tomorrow with my dad and sister (unfortunatly I have to go to work at 5 though) so it should be a fun day.

By the way, this is the cake I want for my birthday. Oh, yes.

or this one (won't let me copy) http://www.flickr.com/photos/becheery/537165986/

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Winter Formal and Nordstrom

Not quite sure if I have ever talked about Nordstrom before, but the fact is that it is just tops! Did I just say "tops"? Yes, yes I did. Never having been to the actual store before (residing in Ontario, Canada), I can only judge by what I see online, but they have the best dress selection in all of the internet shopping world as far as I can tell. Not to say that Bloomingdales or Neiman Marcus don't have a stunning array of dresses, but as someone who isn't willing to spend over $1000 on a dress for a high school dance, this is just as good. As you may notice, my choice for dresses for this year's Winter Formal (which I must tell you now, is a very important social event) is partial towards shorter, nonfussy, minidresses, and many have bows. The worst part of shopping for me, and perhaps you as well, is the choosing! If only I could get them all. Now for the famous My Preppy Pink Polo commentary:

Two-toned velvet dress with a soft bubble hem and a little black bow (so adorable!)
Love the colour and style of this dress: it seems sexy and sweet at the same time (nothing wrong with showing a little leg!) And, of course, the bow doesn't do it wrong either.
Not sure that the colour is me, but I do love the lace detailing and one shoulder strap complete with bow....seems like a present begging to be unwrapped!
A lovely shape and cut, this dress only makes me wonder if the flower print is too...something....however, it does grab attention with the contrast of silky black and salmon!
As I do not currently own a Little Black Dress (*gasp*) this might just be the perfect one for me. Looks as if it would be very flattering on my petite and a tad boyish frame.
Perfect length (nothing like a little leg!) perfect little bow, I've never been crazy about bubble hems, but, then again, I've never tried one on! This might be a perfect little package...especially so close to Christmas...
Another gorgeous LBD...except this one has a bow! Oh decisions, decisions!
Quite cute two-toned dress with curve-hugging waist and cheeky little tie at the top. Not sure this would compliment my pale skin-tone, however it looks lovely on the model.

Don't forget to keep checking back (I know I've been sort of busy!) because my birthday is coming soon (November 24th!) and many cute and hopefully entertaining posts are soon to come!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

And as a result, I am in need of a new fall/winter coat! I am totally sick of my black puffy down filled bomber jacket I got two years ago and I am quite partial towards the new peacoat styles and double-breasted jackets. I do love preppy blazers (check out Jacob Connexion I beg you!), but soon it will be too cold and I have a couple already. Who am I kidding? I'll probably end up buying them all eventually...or having them bought for me.

My Top Picks (So Far) For Keeping Warm in these Chilly Months (Welcome to Canada!)

American Eagle Outfitters (love this plaid one!)

Juicy Couture

A Little Nautical Juicy!

J.Crew - A Little Juicy Orange to Get You Through the Cold


Ralph Lauren


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Fall Look

Some cute fall outfits I made in Polyvore!

Now I realize that it may be a bit cool for skirts, but just add some cute coloured or textured tights and you have yourself a real winner!

Fun For Fall by preppybunny

Preppy in the City by preppybunny

Nautical For Fall by preppybunny

A Pop of Pink...Fall Look by preppybunny

Nautical Fall by preppybunny

Monday, October 13, 2008


So I've been very busy, what with school, work, and trying to have some sort of a social life. You can let me have it. I've been a very bad blogger. But I promise that I have some extra good posts on fall fashion coming up in the near (hopefully) future so please don't desert me yet! One thing I have to say is that living as an only childin her mid-teens with her mother makes for a very poor Thanksgiving. I worked Sunday and today, and have not done anything remotely Thanksgiving-ish all weekend. My holidays are falling apart. "Have you had your turkey dinner yet?" (I am asked by people at work). "No." For one thing, my grandmother is hosting it this week (hopefully I will be able to attend), and another thing is that I don't eat turkey; being a vegetarian. Perhaps I will enjoy a nice tofurky? Perhaps not.

(Yes, this hamster is enjoying a nice cube of tofu)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Make Over Madness!

So what do you think? the background is from the website in the upper left corner but I had to re-do my banner to make it match (which was really difficult and I did it all by myself) so make with the compliments people! Or if you don't like it...please be honest I'm not totally set on it!

FYI don't forget to check out my previous post and offer feed-back on my skirt too!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My New Skirt!

My latest sewing project! A Lilly inspired wrap-around skirt that I guess I made a little too late (seeing as it's fall now!). But I liked the the pattern (and who can resist a good cotton print?) and I wanted to try out this pattern. I had to alter it a bit because I wanted it shorter and luckily it's a wrap-around because I can NEVER find clothing patterns that fit a tiny size like me! What do you think? (And I know it looks sort of wrikley but I was so excited to show it off...and the pictures are really cruddy...
perfect with a white pique polo!

Eww why does my room and mirror look so awful in this?

As you can (kind of) see, it even has a bow! And will hopefully give me an illusion of curves.

Gosh, this is embarassing. I Must stop. Or find someone to take the picure. Up and out.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Preppy Purchase: Kate Spade: Style

Ok. So you ALL MUST get this book. I purchased it at Indigo and I do not regret it at all. Written by Spade herself, this lovely and beautifully illistrated book talks about everything from how to take care of cashmere to how to have perfect posture! There is a large section all about the best colours (according to Kate) and how to combine them...guess what preppy combination is included! You also get an indepth look at some of her own personal favourites from her own closet and even comments from her beloved husband Andy. With everything from evening style, beach style, her love of accessories (she says they are the backbone to her wardrobe!), closet organization tops, and finding inspiration in everything, "Style" by Kate Spade is an absolute must have for anyone of any age or style. As the writers William Stunk, Jr., and E.B. White once wrote, "To achieve style, begin by affecting none." (And buy this book!)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

House in the House!

This summer I watched the entire House MD series. I had watched it when it first started, but I seldom have time to follow TV shows unless I own or rip them. That aside, I got quite obsessed with the show. When you rent all the DVDs, you can easily click from one episode to the next and waste hours of your time lost in that dramatic medical world. Plus, you get really attached to the characters and deeply involved in the plot. I have been waiting FOR EVER for the new season to start...and guess what? I MISSED the premiere!!! I had yoga after school yesterday with my sister and went to her house afterward until my mother picked me up late that night. The only thing is that my Big Sis lives in a house with other university students, and they don't pay for cable. And you know what that means. No TV. I didn't even know that House was on last night. But we did discuss it. She thought it started next week. WRONGO! Ugh. I guess I'll have to try to find it online.
But I digress. In the spirit of the new House season, let's look back at a Preppy Profile of Dr. Cuddy from the house series. Sure, House may make constant jabs at her "low cut" tops, but I have to hand it to her, watching all the episodes I was quite able to understand and appreciate her style. Girly, professional, sexy, and, dare I say, a tad preppy?

She always has her pearls!

Cute blazer!

There aren't many good pictures, but if you watched the show as closely as me you will have noticed her small obsession with bows (like many of the new tie-neck blouses in stores!). I (being an avid fashion designer), started adding this inspiration to some of my drawings...then I went to the mall a week later and what did I see? Exactly.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bows, Bags, Bottles, and Whymypreppypinkpolohastheshakes

Firstly, my recent trip to Sherway Gardens wasn't a complete waste. I did end up buying two things (although they ended up being from the second store I went into (the first was Holt Renfrew). What I did buy was this:

Two little headbands like these (because for some reason the website doesn't have an actual picture of my cute little bands). Except they were metallic purple and black with cute little bows on them... Blair Waldorf eat your heart out! *

And this adorable tweed purple bag (which also has pink and turquoise/silver sewn into it). I have decided that my fall wardrobe will also include rich colours like berries, purple, turquoise and, of course, pink.

I actually have a (sort of) funny story about this whole purple obsession of mine. OK. So what I was wearing that day was: my grey and purple argyle fitted/cropped cami, lavender short-sleeve button up, jeans, and my new mocs (which I must post!). I picked up this bag and thought it was the most adorable and perfect cozy-fallish-wintery bag ever. But I didn't buy it. Three or four hours later we made it back to the store and that's when I purchased it and the headbands. My father made a remark about how well it matched my current outfit and I beamed and said: "Purple is hot this season!". Later that evening...I was at Chapters (sipping a tall vanilla latte) and picking out a yoga mat (which, surprisingly enough, Chapters does have.). There were no pink and green ones, so I chose the purple one. I felt a bit of a fool because now I was carrying my new purple bag and buying this. When I went to the cashier, she said "Purple...wow that goes with your outfit!" or something to that effect and I replied, "Thanks...". The moral of the story is: If you have a theme to your outfit (no matter how adorable), be prepared for people to notice!

Secondly, I just finished my shift at Timmies. I drank a coffee there. I hadn't had much caffeine for months, due to the fact that I was sick in the hospital. Then, I bought a bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper for the short walk home. More caffeine. Which reminds me; does anyone know what happened to Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper? It was amazing! But I digress. All in all, that is why I now have the shakes. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

* Please excuse my rambling and long post, which used a large amount of brackets and chit-chat completely off topic. This is how My Preppy Pink Polo gets when she downs too much caffeine.